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We set out to go fossil hunting. Amongst the beautiful geology of the Dorset coast was the devastating damage of discarded nets, ropes and other flotsam. Future fossils that will take millennia to remove.

UH Gallery Exhibition

UH Gallery Exhibition

I was involved in the curation of the Level 5 end of semester exhibition. Here are some of my favourite shots from the show. As a team we made some interesting decisions to create narrative and relationships between certain pieces of work,.

Sculpture workshop

Sculpture workshop

I was invited to join a wood sculpture workshop with Simeon Nelson. The first half drove me absolutely berserk – tools, gravity and chaos were all against me. After. few hours of tussling with forms I was relatively happy with what I made – though it’s description of “jazzy” bothered me!



Spent the day in the installation room with Charlotte, we both brought along objects of interested and played around with ideas and composition. My objects tended towards the masculine, perfectly contracting the more fluid, feminine forms of Charlotte’s.  We both share a vision of subtle humour and inside jokes which resulted in these fairly absurd constructions.